
Vice city car list
Vice city car list

vice city car list

You could also use a rocket launcher to destroy your enemies. After buying Sunshine AUTO, the lists are hanging on the right after the descent to the garages. The best car to use is the Cheetah (though some prefer to use the Hotring Racer #2), but if you can't be bothered to race just use a Rhino and blast the other 3 cars. There are 6 checkpoint races in all, each with increasing track lengths and winnings. Reward: Hotring Racer appears in showroom, more asset. Reward: Sandking appears in showroom, more asset.

vice city car list

Reward: Sabre Turbo appears in showroom, more asset.

vice city car list

Reward: Deluxo appears in showroom, plus small amount of asset. The more lists you complete, the more cash Sunshine Autos will generate. Each list you complete, makes a car appear in the showroom, and Sun Autos will start generating cash. The list is behind Sun Autos, beside the list of street races. To make Sunshine Autos start generating money, you must complete the four lists for cars that you will need to steal and bring back to Sunshine Autos.

Vice city car list